Derinya Kapısı Açılsın! – Eylem günü metni (Tr/En)

Derinya Kapısı Açılsın!

Mağusa bölgesi hem kuzeyde hem güneyde ciddi ekonomik darboğazlar yaşarken, işletmeler peş peşe iflas ederken, bölge gençleri diğer kentlere ve yurtdışına göç etmek zorunda kalırken daha fazla susup oturamayız!

Halihazırda İki Buçuk Mil (Akyar) geçiş kapısından Derinya’ya ulaşmak için 17 kilometre fazladan yol kat etmekteyiz. Halbuki Derinya Kapısı açılırsa 17 kilometre yerine 800 metre kat ederek Derinya’yla Mağusa’yı buluşturmak mümkün olacaktır. Böylesi bir açılım mesafeleri kısaltırken, toplumlararası ilişkilerin pekiştirilmesine, insani ihtiyaçların daha kolay giderilmesine ve bölge esnafının mal ve hizmetlerini daha rahat pazarlamasına olanak sağlayacaktır.

İleride olası bir durumda Kapalı Maraş’ın yeniden yerleşime açılması öngörülmektedir. Mağusa’nın yeniden birleşmesine kadarki geçiş döneminde, özellikle her iki yakasında yaşayan Kıbrıslı Türklerle Rumlar karşılıklı güveni artırmaya acilen ihtiyaç duymaktadır. Bugünkü şartlarda, diyaloğu geliştirme ve işbirliğini güçlendirme ancak ve ancak kolay erişim sağlayacak bir geçiş noktasıyla mümkündür ki; o da Derinya kapısıdır.

Yakın zamanda Birleşmiş Milletler İnsan Hakları Komitesi de Kıbrıs’ta geçiş noktalarının açılmasına yönelik çabalara destek vererek, geçiş noktalarının sayısının artırılmasının toplumlararası diyaloğa ve güvene olumlu katkı yaptığını vurgulamıştır.

Gerek uluslararası gerekse yerel dinamikler Derinya kapısının açılmasının gerekliliğine dikkat çekerken, bugün de bölgedeki halk, sivil toplum ve siyasi parti temsilcileri olarak bunu vurgulamak üzere buradayız.

Hep birlikte “Derinya Kapısı Açılsın” diyoruz.

Destek veren örgütler:

Mağusa İnisiyatifi, MASDER, MAGEM, MAKAMER, Mağusa Kültür Derneği, Antik Mağusa Vakfı, Kıbrıs Havaları Derneği, FEMA , Aydinlik Yarinlar Hareketi, Kıbrıs Akademik Diyalog, KTSO, KTTO, KTEZO, Kıbrıs Türk Tabipler Odası, Kıbrıs Türk Tabipler Birliği, KTÖS, GÜÇ-SEN, DEV-İŞ, DAÜ-SEN, Baraka, BKP, YKP, TDP, CTP, UBP Mağusa İlçe Örgütü

Open Deryneia Checkpoint

While eperiencing economic bottlenecks, bankrupting businesses one after another and the youth migration to other main cities or abroad on both northern and southern sides of Famagusta, we cannot sit and wait any longer.

At the moment, we’ve to take an extra 17 km. drive to get access to Deryneia from Strovilia (two & a half miles) checkpoint. However, if Deryneia checkpoint is opened, it’ll be possible to bring together Deryneia and Famagusta in 800 metres instead of the existing distance of 17 kilometres.

Such an opening will shorten the distance, improve intercommunal relations, meet the humanitarian needs and help local suppliers to market their goods and services more easily.

In the coming years, it’s predicted that the sealed off section of Varosha is most probably going to be opened for resettlement . For the transitional period until resettlement, particularly the Greek and Turkish Cypriots already living on both sides of Famagusta, need to build confidence urgently.

Under the conditions of today, enhancing cooperation and fostering dialogue is likely if and only if an easy access checkpoint is opened and that is Deryneia for sure.

Very recently, UN Human Rights Committee supported the efforts for opening checkpoints and emphasized the fact that increasing the number of checkpoints positively contributes to intercommunal trust and dialogue.

Where there’s a consensus by national and international actors for the opening of Deryneia checkpoint, we’re here today as the local people, civil society and political party representatives to put an emphasis on such a need.

We’re all together saying: “Open Deryneia Checkpoint”.

Supporting Organizations:

Mağusa İnisiyatifi, MASDER, MAGEM, MAKAMER, Mağusa Kültür Derneği, Antik Mağusa Vakfı, Kıbrıs Havaları Derneği, FEMA , Aydinlik Yarinlar Hareketi, Kıbrıs Akademik Diyalog, KTSO, KTTO, KTEZO, Kıbrıs Türk Tabipler Odası, Kıbrıs Türk Tabipler Birliği, KTÖS, GÜÇ-SEN, DEV-İŞ, DAÜ-SEN, Baraka, BKP, YKP, TDP, CTP, UBP Mağusa İlçe Örgütü

We have to raise our voice, as both south and the north of Famagusta area, facing with shrinking economic climate, the shops are going bankrupt each and every day, youth are leaving the region or migrating to other countries.

At the moment we need to take additional 17 kilometers in order to reach Deryneia from Two and a Half Mile / Strovilia check point. If Deryneia crossing point opens, this will reduce to 800 meters uniting Deryneia and Famagusta with new ties. Such an opening will reduce the distance, improve the intercommunal relations, meet the humanitarian needs and improve the market potential of the economic actors in the region as it will be allowing them to trade their goods and services.
Recently, UN Human Rights Committee supported the efforts for the opening of the new crossing points and emphasized that increasing number of checkpoints contributes the intercommunal trust and dialog.
Both the local and international dynamics are emphasizing the opening of Deryneia crossing point. Now, YOU have to to push for it.We have to raise our voice, as both south and the north of Famagusta area, facing with shrinking economic climate, the shops are going bankrupt each and every day, youth are leaving the region or migrating to other countries.

At the moment we need to take additional 17 kilometers in order to reach Deryneia from Two and a Half Mile / Strovilia check point. If Deryneia crossing point opens, this will reduce to 800 meters uniting Deryneia and Famagusta with new ties. Such an opening will reduce the distance, improve the intercommunal relations, meet the humanitarian needs and improve the market potential of the economic actors in the region as it will be allowing them to trade their goods and services.
Recently, UN Human Rights Committee supported the efforts for the opening of the new crossing points and emphasized that increasing number of checkpoints contributes the intercommunal trust and dialog.
Both the local and international dynamics are emphasizing the opening of Deryneia crossing point. Now, YOU have to to push for it.We have to raise our voice, as both south and the north of Famagusta area, facing with shrinking economic climate, the shops are going bankrupt each and every day, youth are leaving the region or migrating to other countries.

At the moment we need to take additional 17 kilometers in order to reach Deryneia from Two and a Half Mile / Strovilia check point. If Deryneia crossing point opens, this will reduce to 800 meters uniting Deryneia and Famagusta with new ties. Such an opening will reduce the distance, improve the intercommunal relations, meet the humanitarian needs and improve the market potential of the economic actors in the region as it will be allowing them to trade their goods and services.
Recently, UN Human Rights Committee supported the efforts for the opening of the new crossing points and emphasized that increasing number of checkpoints contributes the intercommunal trust and dialog.
Both the local and international dynamics are emphasizing the opening of Deryneia crossing point. Now, YOU have to to push for it.